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December 11, 2019 2021-06-15 4:43Videos & Articles
Dr. William Donald Kelley – 93% Cancer Cure Rate
Recorded at a live event in 1996, have a listen to Dr. William Donald Kelley talk about the great failure of conventional medicine to treat cancer, compared to his cancer cure rate of 93%. During his career, he treated over 33,000 cancer patients using his three tiered nutritional protocol. …
The Truth about how Steve McQueen died
How did Steve McQueen really die? The media has NEVER accurately reported his death, but now you can learn how he died, which isn’t how you’ve been told. First, using the audio player above, you can play an interview with Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, which was first aired on Sanitas …
How Nutrition Heals Illness
In this interview with Vitality, the health insurance specialists, I explain how diet can be successfully used to resolve mental and physical illness. I compare my father’s personal journey with nutrition versus medication and ECT for treating his severe depression. We also talk discuss my personal journey, the scientific evidence …